Email best practices are things that everyone talks about, but what are they and why are they important?
Best practices are things that you need to do when you don’t know what exactly to do. They outline the things that most senders should do in most circumstances in order to assure the widest, best possible delivery rates.
There are times when certain best practices might be disregarded, but you should consider them to be the default settings that should not be changed unless you know exactly what you are doing.
The most widely accepted best practices document out there is the one promulgated by the Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group’s Sender Special Interest Group. That document outlines the current thinking of some of the best minds in the sender space on how to do things right.
Topics covered include:
- Obtaining consent
- Unsubscribe practices
- Accountability and reputation practices
- List maintenance and error handling
- Mitigating and resolving messaging disruption
Does all of that sound a bit arcane? Did you grab the document and still feel confused by what you read? Our slogan here at Whizardries is “Making Sense of the Arcane” and we can help you figure out which industry best practices you are already complying with, which you need to comply with and which you might safely disregard without damaging your reputation due to your own, unique circumstances.
If you are already having trouble sending mail, we can help you to make sense of it all in such a way that you will know what you need to do in order to regain a good reputation and send mail that your recipients want and will appreciate. Contact us today to discuss your company’s needs and how we can help make sense of the arcane for you.